Small gesture, big impact

2 year old Maximus has a very rare and undiagnosed illness that causes significant weight gain.Photo Max and brother

As a result, Max no longer fits into children’s nappies, and the only ones he fits into are specialised adult pullups, and the expense amounts to $50 every couple of days! This is a lot for the family to afford on top of his medical expenses.

Max’s nurses called on TLC for kids to provide a stock of the special pull ups to help with the financial pressure. Max’s mum sent us this lovely message:

“Dear Deb and TLC for kids team,

We were so thrilled to receive the nappies and lovely toys which lit up our home with joy and laughter. It’s an ongoing struggle having a sick child in the family, when a knock at the door can give relief and reminds us people do care and do what they can, this means more than words can say. Thank you so, so much.
We’ve attached a pic of Maximus with his brother Jacob.
Warmest wishes,
Yael, Edan, Jacob and Maximus  XO”

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Small gesture, big impact

Meet Luke

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Meet Luke, a regular 5 year-old boy who loves lego! He also happens to have an auto-immune condition that results in severe muscle weakness. He was recently very unwell and was in ICU at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne, and his state of health meant that although conscious, he was unable to communicate for a period of time. As you can imagine this was very tough for him and for his family.

Continue reading “Meet Luke”

Meet Luke

Joel’s Surprise

TLC for kids recently delivered a RAPID TLC surprise to little Joel, who’s been very brave in hospital! Just yesterday, we got this lovely note from his mum:

Joel would like to say
Thankyou thankyou thankyou TLC!
Its good to have something to kill time, do homework, email my Teacher and tell everyone on Facebook how I’m going in Hospital!

Laptops and other devices that help kids stay connected to their friends make a huge difference during a long hospital stay. We’re so glad you liked your surprise Joel! 🙂

Joel’s Surprise

Making Vanessa smile

On July 1st, 2011, David Seymour on behalf of Freemasons Victoria donated $15,000 to Australian children’s charity, TLC for kids. TLC is one of the most active children’s charities in the country, supporting over half a million kids each year in hospitals. Tim Conolan, CEO and Founder of TLC for kids, says the donation will have an immediate benefit for many sick kids, “Every day we have new requests come in from hospital staff across the country, referring children they feel need support of either an emotional or practical nature. Our job is to respond very quickly, within 48 hours, and neutralise the stress being experienced by the child and family in that situation, whatever it may be. This donation will allow us to reach up to 50 families with either a special experience or gift to help take their mind off things, or practical assistance to help take some of the stress away from them.”

Vanessa is just one of the many children TLC has helped as a result of the Freemasons donation. Vanessa has Dravet’s Syndrome, a condition causing her to have seizures almost every day.  She has difficulty concentrating and just copes with getting through a day at school. She is very unsteady on her feet and gets tired easily.

More than anything in the world, Vanessa enjoys going to concerts, theatre, listening to music and watching people dance.  She told her mum that she would love to go to the Cuban ‘Ballet Revolucion’ which was performing at the Victorian Arts Centre.  The tickets were expensive and Mum spoke to her health care worker hoping to find a way to make this happen.

TLC for kids was happy to provide tickets for the family to see this wonderful performance and this very special girl was over the moon!

We received this special thanks from Mum:  “Just want to thank TLC so very much for getting us tickets to see ‘Ballet Revolucion’. It was a wonderful afternoon. Our daughter really enjoyed watching the dancers, she just loves musicals, dancing and music. She had the biggest smile on her face.  Thank you very much.”

TLC for kids wishes to formally thank Freemasons Victoria for recognising the importance of our work in hospitals. You’ve made a difference to Vanessa, her family, and to the many kids and families we will help as a direct result of your funds. Thank you Freemasons!

Making Vanessa smile

A Life Changing Event

This thank you letter came to us from an amazing young lady named Tess who we’re so happy to have been able to make a difference to in 2010. What a great illustration of how a life changing experience doesn’t have to cost the earth – that’s our philosophy and it’s how we’re able to help hundreds of thousand of kids each year.

Tess, nothing gives us more motivation than to see you thrive! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us…

“I was very sick for over 2 years with anorexia, from the ages of 15 to 17. Continue reading “A Life Changing Event”

A Life Changing Event

Little Noah has a cause to smile

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To Tim and the staff at TLC for Kids,

We are writing to thank you for the wonderful, wonderful gifts that our son Noah received recently while in hospital. Noah was in hospital for just over four weeks and we only got home last week. To say we were blown away by the toys that Noah received would be an understatement. Everyone that we have spoken to about the generosity of TLC for Kids (and we have been telling everyone we know about your wonderful charity) thinks that what TLC for Kids did for Noah, and also what it does for other children is amazing!

We are so very grateful for the smiles that your toys brought to Noah’s face. We hadn’t had many smiles recently and, as you can see from the photos I have attached, Noah had a lot of fun with the many, many fantastic presents he received.

Please feel free to use the photos on your website or in your newsletter if you would like to do so. We never knew that your charity existed but we are so grateful that it does and for what it does for sick children like Noah.

Thank you so very much!

Yours sincerely,
Amanda, Dean, Noah and Logan

Little Noah has a cause to smile

Giving Lucas a cause to smile :)

I would like to thank TLC for kids for the donation of the iPod touch and iTunes vouchers for Lucas.
Lucas has been enjoying using his iPod and is helping him get through his recovery period.
I have attached some photos that we took when Lucas was in Hospital for inclusion in your newsletter
and website.
Warm Regards,

Giving Lucas a cause to smile :)

Media Release: Melbourne supports a grassroots cause []


Media Release: 13 October 2010

 Melbourne supports a grassroots cause, with the help of 3AW 693 & Magic 1278

October 18th, 6am-6pm

If your child has ever been seriously ill, injured or is disabled, you’ll be very aware of the terrifying experiences they have to endure in hospital, which are of course, just as scary for parents. Now add the pressure of being a single mum, living many hours from a major hospital, and playing the role of not only mother but carer. Continue reading “Media Release: Melbourne supports a grassroots cause []”

Media Release: Melbourne supports a grassroots cause []