Freemasons Victoria supports TLC for kids

TLC for kids is truly appreciative of the support we’ve had from Freemasons over the past 12 months, with $15,000 donated for Tracky Dack Day 2011, and now another $12,000 donated to TLC for kids as a result of active fundraising by the Western District of Melbourne, which was then matched by their Board of Benevolence. Freemasons is very active in the community and their conscious selection and contribution towards causes that are making a huge impact, is to be commended. Thank you Freemasons Victoria!

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Freemasons Victoria supports TLC for kids

Making Vanessa smile

On July 1st, 2011, David Seymour on behalf of Freemasons Victoria donated $15,000 to Australian children’s charity, TLC for kids. TLC is one of the most active children’s charities in the country, supporting over half a million kids each year in hospitals. Tim Conolan, CEO and Founder of TLC for kids, says the donation will have an immediate benefit for many sick kids, “Every day we have new requests come in from hospital staff across the country, referring children they feel need support of either an emotional or practical nature. Our job is to respond very quickly, within 48 hours, and neutralise the stress being experienced by the child and family in that situation, whatever it may be. This donation will allow us to reach up to 50 families with either a special experience or gift to help take their mind off things, or practical assistance to help take some of the stress away from them.”

Vanessa is just one of the many children TLC has helped as a result of the Freemasons donation. Vanessa has Dravet’s Syndrome, a condition causing her to have seizures almost every day.  She has difficulty concentrating and just copes with getting through a day at school. She is very unsteady on her feet and gets tired easily.

More than anything in the world, Vanessa enjoys going to concerts, theatre, listening to music and watching people dance.  She told her mum that she would love to go to the Cuban ‘Ballet Revolucion’ which was performing at the Victorian Arts Centre.  The tickets were expensive and Mum spoke to her health care worker hoping to find a way to make this happen.

TLC for kids was happy to provide tickets for the family to see this wonderful performance and this very special girl was over the moon!

We received this special thanks from Mum:  “Just want to thank TLC so very much for getting us tickets to see ‘Ballet Revolucion’. It was a wonderful afternoon. Our daughter really enjoyed watching the dancers, she just loves musicals, dancing and music. She had the biggest smile on her face.  Thank you very much.”

TLC for kids wishes to formally thank Freemasons Victoria for recognising the importance of our work in hospitals. You’ve made a difference to Vanessa, her family, and to the many kids and families we will help as a direct result of your funds. Thank you Freemasons!

Making Vanessa smile