Making Matty’s Day

“Matty* is 11 years old and has Muscular Dystrophy. He also wins the ‘Cutest Kid Ever’ award as far as we’re concerned! He absolutely loves sport but he is now confined to a wheelchair and unable to participate. Heartbreakingly, Matty had to endure bullying at school, which got bad enough for his parents to set up home schooling. This has really helped his concentration and ability to continue learning. The unfortunate result of this has been social isolation which no child Matty’s age should ever have to cope with. Needless to say, it really gets Matty down. He loves football, is passionate about the Western Bulldogs and collects all their memorabilia. He would love the opportunity to go to some of the games this year and hopefully attend a training session to have his WB jumper signed. It’s a struggle for the family in many ways, and getting out of the house together would really lift all their spirits.”  Continue reading “Making Matty’s Day”
Making Matty’s Day

A Life Changing Event

This thank you letter came to us from an amazing young lady named Tess who we’re so happy to have been able to make a difference to in 2010. What a great illustration of how a life changing experience doesn’t have to cost the earth – that’s our philosophy and it’s how we’re able to help hundreds of thousand of kids each year.

Tess, nothing gives us more motivation than to see you thrive! Thank you so much for sharing your story with us…

“I was very sick for over 2 years with anorexia, from the ages of 15 to 17. Continue reading “A Life Changing Event”

A Life Changing Event