A letter from Alicia, 7

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When one of the nurses on our referral network called on us to assist a family who was needing some quality time together, we knew we had an important job to do. Families with sick kids often have to turn most of their attention to looking after that child, and sometimes the most important part of ‘being a family’ gets lost along the way, and that is having a laugh and a bit of fun together! We had a great time planning a handful of fun activities for Alicia’s family, and it always gives us the warm & fuzzies when we get a letter not only from mum or dad, but from the ‘TLC kid” as we call them! In this case, Alicia:

Dear TLC,

My daughter, Alicia, is writing you an email to say thanks for our vouchers that we received. Thanks again, we all feel very spoilt!

Kind regards, Caroline (mum)

From Alicia, 7:

We used all the vouchers .It was our first time ice skating. My brother Aiden pushed my sister Emma on a seal because he wasn’t very good at ice skating .I learnt very quickly .

We went to Werribee and Melbourne zoo they were fun.At Melbourne zoo there is a meerkat playground .

.The roller skating was fun to we’d love to do it again here are a few pictures.

Thanks, Alicia

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A letter from Alicia, 7

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